Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wedding Pictures!

They are done! They are finally done! And, if I must say WELL worth the wait! Our photographer is awesome, and he did such a good job! His name is Jon Woodbury, if you are getting married, thinking about it or what ever, definately check him out. His website is http://www.weddingsbywoodbury.com/. But... if you just want to check out our wedding pics, go to this site and you will be able to witness it yourself... the best day of my life! Alright here is the info. Go to http://www.collages.net then fill out this info... the USER NAME is Abby & Gabe and the password is 17747. Enjoy!


Erica said...

the pictures are amazing!! OH my gosh. I have spent my whole morning looking at them. so so darling. you look amazing. (please keep in mind that i just had a baby less than a month from taking those pictures. yucky!) love you lots girl!

Gina said...

ABBY!! Your pictures are beautiful! You two make such a stunning couple. You look so happy in all of your pictures. I am so glad that I thought to check your blog todayÜ Love ya!

John and Mikelle Hafen said...

you two are the cutest little couple!